Baking · Cakes · Lemon


This bake report comes to you from a remote location. I am determined to conquer this collapsing cake issue. When I last left you, the situation had improved but was not yet perfect. And then, more information came in. I was going through my twitter feed when BAM!: I’m already all aboard the weighing ingredients for… Continue reading Victory!

Baking · Cakes · Chocolate Cakes

The Devil’s in the Details

Also: A Tale of Two Flours. I had an epiphany of sorts after the last bake. I was deciding what I would bake next. I was originally going to do something less-sweet and had picked out English Muffins. While investigating exactly was meant by strong flour. And here’s where the epiphany happened. Strong flour in… Continue reading The Devil’s in the Details

Baking · Cakes

So you want some cake, eh?

This week I used the random function in Excel to pick the recipe. Excel decided I should make Maple Syrup Cake. Mary says it is Canadian-inspired. Ingredients, assemble! There was nothing unusual, ingredients-wise, for this bake. Still using light brown sugar in lieu of light muscovado sugar (muscovado is too a word, spellcheck). Double cream… Continue reading So you want some cake, eh?

Baking · Cakes · Special cakes

The secret ingredient is air

Today’s bake comes from a guest kitchen. We have traveled and the bake has traveled with us. I brought most of what I would need (non-standard ingredients, baking pan, scale) with us and acquired additional fresh ingredients once we arrived. The recipe was chosen by younger child weeks ago. It’s the Wimbledon Cake! Why Wimbledon?… Continue reading The secret ingredient is air